Color Lt Grey Marle Nougat Pink Barracuda Blue Sherbert Mint Lt Beige Marle

Love coffee? Always have... It’s the vice that coaches me out of bed in the mornings.  As I blindly scuffle down the familiar hallway, sleep filled eyes hindering my vision, I instinctively make my way to the coffee machine, flick the switch to on, a warm dim orange glow partially lights the kitchen.  As I sit at the bench, my eyes adjust to the early morning light that is now beginning to stream through the gaps in the blinds.  I hear the familiar sounds of the world waking up outside, an occasional car starting, a distant train, the neighbourhood dog.  Back inside the machine is whirring and clunking, steam building and then there it is, the reassuring solid clunk as the light changes from amber to green.  I’ve been given the green light, it’s time, it’s finally time..the machine is ready, I can make my morning elixir..yippee!

~ Made from premium Australian Lambswool.

~ Scarf dimensions are 180cm x 30cm wide.

Otto & Spike proudly knit everything in our little factory in East Brunswick. Occasionally popular items sellout quickly and we have to knit them especially for you.